The Cost Saving Benefits of Virtual Offices

small budgets

Every year, more small businesses decide to eschew convention and embrace remote routines. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the most important is cost. By stripping back resources, you get the chance to scrutinize your spending and focus more heavily on the things which matter.

For instance, is it a good idea to spend most of your budget on a sprawling office space if the team is frequently mobile anyway? Does it make senses to tie yourself to real estate leases which don’t offer suitable break clauses? Of course not. It inevitably leads to problems further down the line, so it’s worth considering alternative options, like virtual offices.

Keep reading to find out why virtual workspaces are the best way to cut costs and minimise waste in 2017.

No More Sky High Rental Fees

The biggest benefit of virtual facilities – and the reason why so many small teams are getting on board – is the cost of rental. The rates are very low for a number of reasons. The first is that the offices are designed to serve as more of an offsite support system.

All tenants are welcome to spend time on-site, but they can also access resources remotely. So, essentially, you can continue to operate at minimal cost from home or any other flexible environment and still have access to world class software and communications tools.

The Most Mobile Workforce

Virtual offices are particularly well suited to startups and smaller ventures which aren’t ready to graduate to full-time routines. The reality is that, if you can find a way to grow and still work from home (or another alternative environment), you stand to save a substantial amount.

The communications tools provided by virtual vendors are perfect for managing remote and distance workers. They are just as productive (if not more) than onsite teams, but they cost less to maintain because you’re not paying to host them in a corporate environment.

A Corporate Address to Covet

In some ways, virtual offices are a bit of a cheat-strategy. They allow businesses to build up the kind of local reputation which often takes many years to accrue. Much of this is related to the prestige of the facilities themselves. They are located in some very impressive spots.

In Indonesia, for example, you’ll find an excellent facility at the International Financial Center, in Jakarta. It is one of the most impressive corporate neighbourhoods, close to busy retail and financial districts. Thus, going virtual is an effective way to boost your brand at no extra cost.

No Downtime or Missed Chances

When you’re just starting out, the aim is to make money fast, because launching a business is expensive, whether you’re in London, Sydney, or Jakarta. In fact, many companies begin life with big debts which need settling quickly.

Fortunately, virtual offices are able to pretty much eliminate downtime altogether. In short, businesses can hit the ground running. The facilities are available on a ‘pay as you go’ basis, so you can sign up and start turning a profit from day one.

Why the Cost of Virtual Offices Will Get You Smiling

While it’s true that the corporate culture in Indonesia is very welcoming to small businesses, you’ve still got to be careful about how you spend. Virtual office solutions are a superb resource because they put tenants in charge. You can add, remove, tweak, or diversify resources at any time, with no additional charges.