Ten Ways to Make Your Stand Magnetic


It can be quite challenging to stand out during a tradeshow, everyone is vying for attention and there are often sounds and sights coming from all directions. However, that does not mean that it is impossible to stand out. We will provide you with ten ways that you can make your stand magnetic and help you stand out from the competition.

  1. Be creative – Try to experiment with signage, posters, electronic presentations, sound and screens, and lighting. By following the same path as your visitors would, you are able to ‘preview’ your own stand. Make sure that nothing feels overwhelming and that the text you use is easy to read.
  2. Giveaways, be careful – Too many companies waste money on promotional items that do not relate to the brand or their message. These may be left at the hotel or worse yet, the floor of the exhibition. If you are going to give away promotional items, make sure that they are relevant and memorable.
  3. Be clear in what you want – You are working with equipment companies, signage companies, and stand-builders, make sure that you know what you want. By having a clear and concise brief you can avoid confusion. By explaining your goals, you are making it easier for all parties involved.
  4. Stick to the budget – You do not always need to invest a great deal of money when you exhibit at a tradeshow. Look around to see what you already have to help furnish your exhibition stand.
  5. People make a difference – You can have the greatest stand at the tradeshow, but if you have people who look as though they do not want to be there, chances are that visitors are not going to be enthusiastic about your product or service. Make sure that you have team members that are friendly, active, and animated.
  6. Get the right look and feel – Remember that your stand is your first chance to make an impression. It sets the standard the moment that someone walks past. Use products, posters, and signage to demonstrate the image you want others to have of your company.
  7. Try it beforehand – If you have the chance, set up the stand beforehand to see how much space it will take up and how it looks. By looking at the stand beforehand, you are able to make alterations if necessary.
  8. Small stands are not taboo – Remember that you can still have a great display at a relatively modest budget. People often are caught up in the idea that ‘bigger is better’. The truth is that as long as you are making sure that you get your message out there in an effective way, a small stand can work just as well.
  9. Talk to the event organiser – it is a good idea to talk to the event organiser beforehand and discuss your requirements and the nature of your business. You might be able to better target your audience judging by the place of your stand at the venue, so it is always a good idea to have this discussion beforehand to negotiate the best possible location. You may even get some suggestions that you otherwise would have never thought of yourself.
  10. Do not forget to let people know – You have a great location, you have the right stand, now you need to let people know that they can find you at a particular tradeshow. Send out emails, make a note on your website, and let clients know that you will be attending.

Author Bio:

NVP Exhibits provides a wide range of exhibition stands, pop-up display stands, trade show stands and display stand packages all kinds of exhibitions, expos, trade shows and conferences. We look after ongoing exhibitors with our unique modular display stand technology or exhibitors looking for one off solutions. You can find our more about our trade show stands and display products at our website: www.nvp.com.au