What to Do After a Work Injury: 4 Crucial Steps

slip injury

Statistics reveal that most employers take measures to reduce workplace injuries and keep their staff safe. However, workplace accidents might still happen unexpectedly. Since some employees have no idea what to do, they might be stranded after incidents. 

The injured worker might be overwhelmed and confused after the accident. However, they should know the steps to take because they are eligible for compensation, and anything they do regarding the injury could impact their compensation. This article will highlight four steps they should take to safeguard their rights.

Work With Compensation Attorney

Employees injured in the workplace should file a claim to get the compensation they deserve. However, the amount they get and the party that will pay are debatable, depending on the circumstances of the case. For instance, if they get injured due to faulty equipment, the manufacturer of the defective equipment may be liable.

The employer is liable if the injury is due to unsafe working conditions. However, this is a complex and difficult case if the worker does not know what to do after a work injury. They need a licensed attorney to file a claim to the relevant party.

Inform the Supervisor

After a workplace injury occurs, the clock starts ticking; the law requires the injured employee to report any work-related injuries to their supervisor within a given time frame. Otherwise, the employer has the right to refute the claims, which means pursuing compensation will be complicated.

When reporting the injury, the supervisor will require the injured person to complete a form. If they do not make the request, then the employee should ask the supervisor for the injury form since this is their right. They should then ask for a copy so that they can use it when filing their compensation claims.

Seek Medical Attention

It is not uncommon to find an employee not seeking medication attention after a workplace injury. If the injury is not too severe, some get over-the-counter medication. However, this is not the best way to handle this situation because some injuries might seem minor but become complicated after some time. If the injured person were not treated, they would have no medical report to support their claim.

The employee should discuss their plan to seek treatment with the supervisor for permission and assistance. This is because some companies have a specific doctor they visit, and if the employee does not go to this physician, the management could reject the claim or complicate the matter. Since they might not trust the reports from other health facilities, they can use these grounds to dismiss the compensation case.

Follow Medical Advice

Medical advice from a healthcare provider can be challenging to follow. Some injuries might require a change in diet and taking medicine, while others might require exercises or physical therapy. However, before overlooking medical advice, the injured person should know that the court might perceive not following doctors’ orders as a sign that the employee was not severely injured.

This mistake could compromise the case and leave them no grounds to file their claim. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the doctor’s orders to get official medical reports about the injury and its progress. Besides, following instructions will increase the chance of recovering quickly.

The law is clear that all those injured in the workplace should get compensation. However, the law also requires the injured party to have sufficient proof. Therefore, filing a successful claim requires the employee to understand the steps to take after a workplace injury and document everything related to the injuries.