50 Features Your Small Business Website Can’t Live Without


The Internet has given people free and quick access to information on a variety of things. It’s so easy to conduct research on products and services before they make a purchase that most customers will conduct a brief search even if they have very little time on their hands. No one purchases things blindly now, which is why a good website is essential to the success of every business.

But what makes a good business website? Most small business owners don’t know much about website development and leave the responsibility in the hands of expert web developers. While this is a good idea, you still need to be involved in the process if you want your online presence to be in line with your company branding and goals. However, before you personalize your website to your company’s requirements, you need to ensure the essentials are in place.

Web design and marketing experts agree that there are 50 essential features that your website must have in order to keep up with the competition. You need to consider what’s included in the header, above the fold, below the fold, footer, inner pages, blog, design and content, SEO, server and hosting, and technical aspects of your website carefully. These would allow you to build a solid web presence, which would contribute to your appeal and reputation in the market.

If you don’t pay careful attention to these features and don’t plan their execution well, your website won’t perform as well as your customers expect it to and you’ll fall behind.

Source: 99MediaLab.com.

small business website design