Easy ways small businesses can save money


We’ve recently shared 5 tips for opening your own business – which you can read here if you haven’t already – and today we’ll share more tips that new business owners will certainly find useful. In this short post, we will look at some of the ways that businesses can save money.

As a small business owner, every little saving matters and will help you keep running your business smoothly, particularly in the current climate of uncertainty created by the ongoing pandemic.

Review operational costs

While this may seem like an obvious start, knowing what your operational costs are and where your biggest expenses lie is a crucial first step if you want to identify where potential savings can be made. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running, and you would be surprised to see how many small business owners lose track of what they’re spending.

Make a full review of all your operational costs on a monthly basis, whether that’s office suppliers, contractors and suppliers, wages, rents and other bills. This should give you a better idea of whether there are areas where you can renegotiate a contract, a new rate, whether there are services you can stop using and or anything you can improve.

Shop around for utility providers

When it comes to utility costs, it’s worth shopping around in order to get the best rate possible for your usage. It may be easier to stay with the same providers year after year, but if you’re looking to reduce costs, taking the time to do your research and going ahead with the best offer will really go a long way.

Business owners in England and Scotland can also decide to switch water supplier if they would like to. This means that if you’re not completely satisfied with the services offered by your current retailer or would like to get a better rate, you can do something about it. Many retailers offer services that can help you make better use of your water and reduce bills over time, so it’s worth looking into.

Outsource where possible

While small businesses tend to do everything in-house, there are instances where it’s actually cheaper to outsource parts of your operations rather than trying to do it yourself. Salaries can be a huge percentage of a small business’ costs, so if it’s becoming an issue for you, it may be worth looking into keeping a core team while outsourcing the rest in order to keep costs down.

Others chose to outsource some parts of their operations in order to focus on what matters most to them, or what is going to generate more profit for the business, so if you find that you are spreading yourself too thin, outsourcing can be a solution as well.

Leverage online marketing

As businesses fight to get their potential clients and customers’ attention, marketing and advertising are almost non-negotiable, particularly if you’re trying to grow your company. While traditional advertising can see costs soar, there is a lot your business can do online.

In a world that is becoming increasingly more digital, your business can stay competitive while leveraging online marketing techniques which are not only cost-effective but are also a great way to keep costs down. Email marketing and social media are two powerful tools any small businesses can

use to promote their activity and stay in touch with potential customers. Make sure you make the most of these so you can keep increasing your brand awareness while keeping costs down.

We hope you have found these tips useful. You can find all posts and advice for businesses here.