Entrepreneur’s guide to a better relationship with clients


We live in a world where business has become quite fast. If you are not paying attention, opportunities might pass you by quite easily! This is the reason why so many people have focused on developing their communication skills. This way, they cast a wide net and network, without paying too much attention building long-standing relationships with the clients. However, one of the most important lessons in entrepreneurship is that good communication is not only giving away the information – but receive it in equal matter, as well as sharing what you know and have learned. Today, we discuss ways in which you can create a better relationship with your clients.

Listening skills are very important

People say that good communication requires only a small percent of talking. Most of the time it is about looking at the body language and actually listening to your clients. So, the first lesson you need to remember when trying to boost your client relationships is not to strive to impress. Yes, it is important to leave a good impression on the client. However, you can do this just as easily with listening as you would with talking.

So even before you get into the meeting with the client, try to anticipate their needs, and what they might say. This way, you can already be ready to offer them solutions, which they will highly appreciate. What’s more, this attitude can only lead to new opportunities and positive referrals from your clients!

Then, pay attention to the information that they offer you. What they tell you can actually help you to complete tasks easier and better! By listening to their thoughts and ideas, and finding ways to implement them, you will add value to your work which your clients will appreciate. Adding to that, this will only show that you put the client in high regard, and this can easily lead to a better relationship with the client.

Still, do not forget to share information, too!

Listening your clients is pretty important, but sharing information is as well! However, you need to learn to do it in a smart way. A lot of companies, and especially entrepreneurs, will focus on sharing the results with the clients. This is an obvious thing to do, but a lot of clients will be pretty happy with learning about your progress as well!

Luckily, this can be done fairly easy nowadays. Thanks to the advent of technology, we can get in touch with our clients very fast, using one of the many project management apps for android phones or computers.

Do not be afraid to communicate regularly with your clients using these! Just like they will appreciate knowing how far you have come in the project, so they will respect you more if you respond to their calls and emails in a timely manner. A lot of entrepreneurs do weekly updates for their clients and build a better relationship with them this way.

Finally, do not be afraid to ask them for feedback. This ties to the first important skill we talked about – listen to what they have to say. They might have some really good ideas or solutions to a problem you have, or they might need to change and reshape the project in some way. By listening and communicating with them regularly, you will be able to do this with ease!

Don’t be afraid to make it personal

Finally, a lot of entrepreneurs make the mistake of trying to build a better relationship with clients only by using technology. However, using technology in the workplace might speed up the process – but it will not help build a great relationship if you do not add a personal touch.

This is a hard line you need to tread – finding the balance between how to communicate with the client and how to build a strong relationship with them. But fear not – it can still be done! All you need to do is not be afraid of opening up a little and doing something a little special. Even writing a thank you card – or inviting client for a lunch meeting – will make you stand out from the crowd of entrepreneurs reliant only on technology for communication. By doing this, you will not only leave an impression on your client, but also get a chance for building a better relationship with them, too!

One final thing you need to think of is to always have a positive attitude! Running a business can be stressful – especially if you are an entrepreneur who is struggling to get his business off the ground. However, by having a positive attitude, you will ease any stressful situation both for you and for your client! In the end, a smile and a nice word can open the doors that cold professionalism might not be able to!