How to Use YouTube to Find New Customers for Your Small Business


Most small business owners understand the importance of using social media to reach new customers and build brand awareness. Most focus on using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to build their social presence. For many, making videos for YouTube can seem like a daunting, expensive and unfruitful endeavor.

But with more than 1 billion active users, ignoring YouTube is like leaving money on the table.

Here’s how you can find new customers using YouTube and without blowing your marketing budget.

Be Consistent with Content Creation

It’s important to be consistent when posting on any social media platform. Thankfully, with YouTube, viewers don’t expect new content on a daily basis. Still, you should aim to post new videos every month or every other month in the very least.

You don’t necessarily need to spend a fortune on your videos either. Webinars and webcasts make great video content. They’re informative and often don’t require much of a budget to create. Infographics can be repurposed into explainer videos, so you’re reusing the content you already have.

There are many creative ways to use video content to expand your customer base and build brand awareness. Post regularly and make sure that you post content people want to see.

Provide Viewers with Valuable Information

Every video you post needs to have a purpose and provide the viewer with some sort of value. For example, Pipe Surgeons has a YouTube channel with informative videos on the services that they offer.

Examples of informative videos include:

  • Tutorials (how-tos)
  • Product demonstrations
  • Troubleshooting problems
  • Unboxing
  • Customer Q&As
  • Staff interviews

Just about every small business in every industry can create one of the above-listed videos. Of course, you can also get creative with your videos. As long as it jibes with your audience, it will help expand your reach and hopefully bring in new customers.

Put Thought into Categories, Tags and Titles

Video titles, tags and categories give you an opportunity to improve your rankings in YouTube search. They also allow for more narrow targeting, so your content is seen by people who may be looking for your products and/or services.

Try to make your titles interesting and keyword-rich without looking like spam. Catchy titles will grab the viewer’s attention, which will improve your view rates. Choose the most appropriate category for your videos, and add relevant, keyword-rich tags. You can add dozens of tags, so take advantage of this feature.

Don’t Skimp on the Description

It’s also important to put some thought into your video descriptions. Make them short and informative. Describe your video in a few sentences, and don’t forget to include a link to your website or blog for people to learn more about your business.

Partner with Influencers

Do some research to find influencers that may be relevant to your industry. Consider contacting and partnering with a few influencers to boost your credibility, reach and brand awareness.

Don’t try to partner with direct competitors. Instead, choose influencers who complement your industry. For example, if you offer car repair, you may partner with a YouTube influencer who creates videos on exotic cars.

These are just a few of the many ways you can use YouTube to expand your customer reach. Make sure that you’re consistent with your efforts, and you’ll start seeing the results you want.