The Top 4 Factors That Influences Product Announcement


So you have an app that you have added a new feature to. It certainly has taken a lot of time, effort, and money to make it and then add it. Once it’s done, you deploy it to the user base. But, you find that your users are less than enthusiastic about your feature. They think that this new update destroyed a perfectly good app. 

The above situation is something which is very frequently seen. Ultimately, if users do not embrace a feature, the entire effort and money invested in it go to waste. Here’s how you can avoid it: 

Figure Out The Goal

If you are thinking about making a new feature, you need to figure out why you are making it. Is it to upgrade the app and satisfy existing users? Or is it to bring in new users? Once you have figured out your new feature’s goal, it’s time to move onto the next step. 

Figure Out Your Target Audience

Most businesses will answer this question by saying- everyone is our target audience. But that’s not the case. It’s not possible to please everyone with a feature update. Ideally, a feature should solve as many issues as possible for the maximum number of users. After all, this will justify the effort and money put into it.

But that’s not always possible. So target that audience base, which has specifically asked for the product. Note that this group will be enthusiastic about it. But what about the others? The rest of your userbase might not like this feature. So it would help if you approached them differently. 

Figure Out Approaches

When announcing a new feature to a large user base, you need to be direct. Don’t make your announcements long and drawn out. No one cares how much effort and work you and your team put into it. Users determine a feature by how useful it is to them. So it would help if you told them what it is, how it will change things, and how they can make use of it. 

In such a situation you should make use of a product announcement software. A tool like this will be more useful when introducing a feature in-app or changes in design. It will let your users know about it through notifications and alerts. Once they click on it, they will be taken to a tutorial to be taught how to use the app. Of course, this is just one example of how to use a product announcement software. There are multiple other ways to carry it out as well. 

Don’t Be Annoying

Many businesses tend to be annoying with their new feature announcements. In the end, this will work contrary to your plans, and it might make people quit the app. Your aim should be to ensure that all users know about the new feature. But they shouldn’t be bombarded with it from all channels.  

If a user had already taken the tutorial for using that feature, make sure that they don’t get further notifications about it. The same goes for people who have received notification for it but have chosen to ignore it. Don’t bombard them every time they open the app. Also, allow a user to get out of such announcements. Leave such users alone. But make sure that there is a notification for the tutorial in their inbox that they can use anytime. 

Product announcements include a lot of factors that have to be taken into consideration. It’s a lot of work. But you can reduce this work and burden by partnering with Approx. They have a team of professional marketers and software makers who will help announce your new item or feature to your wide user base. Approx will ensure that a wide number of people embrace the announcement with ease.