Why Time Management is Essential for Improving Productivity and Accountability


Time is an irreplaceable asset. Despite dedication, you need another hour to tick off to-do activities from your lists. Again, amidst several distractions, an overly competitive and fast-paced world, managing every single minute of a day seems next to impossible.

We are often advised to spend time and money wisely but, how to manage it efficiently is a big question begging for an answer. Nevertheless, you can check out Bridgit for professional assistance.

In persuasion, we have discussed the importance of time management to increase productivity and accountability. Here is where project management software comes into the picture. It helps you manage time efficiently while you are working on a project.

What Is Time Management?

Time management refers to the process of planning and exercising deliberate control over your time in order to work better. It is a juggling act, enabling you to increase efficiency and achieve a balanced work-life.

When you improve time management skills, you perform better in achieving set goals that require lesser efforts and more effective strategic planning. Contrarily, when you fail to manage time efficiently, it could result to:

● Missing deadlines and appointments

● Procrastinating and lack of focus

● Lack of professionalism

● Inefficient workflow

● Producing low work quality

● Increasing unwanted stress levels

● Harming professional reputation

● Strained relationships

● Financial penalties

● Work-life imbalance

Why Is Time Management Essential To Improve Productivity And Accountability?

In today’s fast-paced and ultra-competitive world, time is more valuable than money. Hence, you need to spend it where it matters most to you. When you manage time efficiently, you get to enjoy several benefits, including:

Better Quality Of Work

When you are expected to deliver work of specific standards or quality, managing time and prioritizing activities can improve work quality.

Timely Work Delivery

When you allocate a finite period to the workload, you can complete it on time. Also, you are better prepared to manage your workload effectively.

Time-boxed tasks get your brain rewired to follow the structure and accomplish those tasks promptly. Hence, you easily get to deliver work on time.

Stress Reduction

The most common cause of stress amongst employees is lingering deadlines. Tight deadlines lead to delay or accumulation of tasks. When an individual fails to achieve the expectations, it leads to stress and anxiety. Therefore, it is imperative to break down the tasks into smaller bits and manage the time accordingly to reduce the load.

Enhanced Career Opportunities

A well-balanced employee who achieves every task within a stipulated period is desirable to everyone. Such employees get easily noticed and often receive accolades for being different.

Similarly, people who manage time effectively find plenty of time to pursue other hobbies. So being punctual is not only beneficial from an organizational point of view but vital for personal growth. Overall, time management opens a new path with better prospects.

Boosts Confidence

Self-satisfaction plays a significant role in boosting an individual’s confidence. Timely accomplishment of tasks under your control helps you achieve self-satisfaction. The sense of accomplishment brings happiness and confidence in life.

Become More Productive And Efficient

If you’re an ambitious employee, time management skills are a must for you. Being productive means maximizing the results within limited resources. Time is the most vital limited resource that should be mastered to achieve the desired goals.

Steps For Better Time Management At Professional And Personal Level

Time management is not a difficult skill to master. Realistically, with a little practice and learning, anyone can learn this talent. So, here are a few steps to become a time management expert:

Time Management At The Workplace

Time-table charts on the notice board are a thing of the past. These days, managers need more advanced methods and tools to manage a huge workforce. Let us explore how organizations keep up with time:

The use of time tracking software

Various time tracking software is available in the market for team leaders and employees. Teams engaged in multi-tasking can effectively leverage this technology to stay ahead of time. Furthermore, smart time management tools can easily track time spent on various projects. Employers can compare the data with similar projects to ascertain the team’s performance.

By choosing time management software, you can perform:

Time tracking: Efficiently track the time taken on a given project. Similarly, record data about billing cycle, management accounting, the efficiency of team members, and spend analysis.

Set deadlines: Managers can easily assign deadlines to projects. It can easily detect a good or bad trend of any employee.

Monitor tasks: Time-bound tasks can be easily monitored through software.

Archive timesheets: Companies can store the timesheets and records for future reference.

Group similar tasks together

Switching to another task before completing the task in hand can break your rhythm. Here comes the importance of batching your tasks. Group the similar tasks and start finishing each one by one. It not only helps in increasing productivity but also helps in avoiding mistakes.

Time Management At A Personal Level

Apart from managing time at work, you also need to manage your personal time for maximum growth. Here is how you can go about it:

Prioritize and schedule: Create a to-do list and goals for the week. Prioritize the list, and accomplish them accordingly.

Start early: Do not delay the tasks. Always keep a safety margin to protect yourself from uncertainties.

Cut down time-wasting activities: Although some tasks look fascinating, they are the biggest time killers. Avoid such activities.

Learn to say no: Yes should not be the answer every time. It is okay to say no to unwanted matters.

Be realistic: Do not stress, instead work hard to accomplish the task in time.


Irrespective of your qualities, they are of no use if you do not productively channelize them. Here comes the importance of time management. It is a powerful tool to unlock the full potential of any organization or individual. This all results in increased productivity, accountability, and confidence.

While the concept of time management looks lucrative, the art is hard to pioneer. It takes dedication and discipline to create a newer version of yourself. Therefore, do not wait anymore; get started with the basics and slowly climb the ladder to reach the zenith.